
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Life quote: Michael Jordan qoute

The quote I live by is a quote my Michael Jordan, the quote is; "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan This quote is my life quote because to me it shows the everyday struggle that I am going to face and have faced. The quote really speaks to me because it opens up the truth that no matter how many mistakes I have made if I learn from them I will eventually reach my full potential. I have made so many mistakes in my life that they cannot be counted there is no perfect human and there never will be. Nobody can make every shot, beat every game, or even get a perfect grade on an exam every time. We do have the power to improve these mistakes by looking at your mistakes and learning from them. The only real mistake you can ever make is giving up, if you give up how will you achieve your full potential. You cannot achieve greatness by quitting. If you quit you will develop the habit of quitting and then it will be to easy to quit and you will do it a lot instead of actually conquering the challenge and learning from it.  


  1. That is so true! Not that mistakes are a good thing but if we learn from them it helps turn a negative thing into a good thing. Remembering that really helps me when I make mistakes.

  2. That is a very true quote man, I can relate in many ways. we are all struggling but we will make it in the end I hope.

  3. Thats true because even if you make a mistake you can't fix it by giving up you have to keep trying and trying to fix it giving up doesn't make that mistake go away it just stay there as something you will just regret later.

  4. This is a good quote to go by it shows that you can make mistakes but it is okay if you do.
