
Friday, October 24, 2014

$ If I Could Blog Post $

If I had an unlimited amount of time and money there would be a lot of things that I would do. The first thing I would do is I would buy a private island and name it Kevland. Then the second thing I would do would be build the biggest mansion known in the world. Then I would buy a Private jet and invest trillions of dollars to the space station so we could live in space on a planet that way if there was something that ever happened to Earth we could just go and live on a planet, like Mars or Jupiter. Then I would buy 7 Bugatti's one for each day of the week and then I would build a private Mansion just for my shoes right next to the one I live in. The next thing I would do would be donate 6.5 billion dollars towards scientists finding cures for Big diseases like Cancer. Then I would pay for everyone of my friends and family members houses and for those who are happy where they live I will pay off their houses.    

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