
Friday, December 19, 2014

talent vs. hard work

In my opinion hard work will outdo talent if talent doesn't work hard. You can be talented at something but unless you stress to get better by working hard what does talent provide you? In a scholarly article called Talent Is Overrated: what really separates world-class performers from everyone else, I found this article using Google scholar and it proved to be very useful by providing me with information for my topic.  In research provided by scientists it shows that those who are viewed as the greats today like LeBron James and Tiger Woods didn't show any signs of talent in what they do as a kid. The greats worked hard to be where they are today in the article it says "When researchers have looked at large numbers of high achievers, at least in certain fields, most of the people who became extremely good in their field did not show early evidence of gifts." Did any of the greats possess these gifts as a child? (Comment below)

In another article called Hard Work vs. Talent: The Eternal Debate. Which is a blog post I found a debate that supported my view point that hard work beats talent. In this article it says "  the studies that suggest that in the long run, hard work and constant practice can overcome a lack of natural talent, which can often take people farther and higher than talent alone." This really made sense to me because I knew from previous reading of quotes by Michael Jordan and other professionals that succeeded very highly in their fields. That leads to my conclusion I think that hard work will overcome talent any time because in scientifically proven results the greats did not possess the skills they have today in most cases and they had to dedicate themselves to their field and put in all their time and money to it. I challenge you to find a professional that has a quote that supports my viewpoint. Can you do it? Do you respectfully disagree with my viewpoint? Let me know below in the comments.  Thanks for reading I hope to see your comment below. 
Hard work vs. Talent

Dorothy explains that When you get tired and life gets you down you have to keep working hard
dorothy tells Marlin of the hard work conspiracy

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas lights new findings

Merry Christmas
Jack the pumpkin king
snowflake neon

I  know that you know alot about Christmas lights now but do you know anything about how they work and what happens behind the scenes when these beauties are being set up? Well, I am going to explain what goes on behind the scenes putting up these lights and including some examples of my personal experiences of putting these lights up. I have previously watched a show called the Christmas light fight. This show airs on ABC on Monday  nights during December until Christmas every week at 8 p.m. This show is where people travel around the united states to the best and well known Christmas displays in the country. There was this one house that talked and it was very cool. There was also this one guy that had 5 acres of land since he is a farmer and he lit up the entire property with a huge path through his entire winter wonderland.

Holiday season decorations used in the home or small business are generally limited by availability and cost to conventional non-flashing or randomly flashing lights commonly used for decorating indoor and outdoor trees. It is often desirable to employ flashing lights that contain visually interesting patterns or sequences such as fading, chasing or flickering. I think that the flashing lights are the best kind of lights because they draw the attention of the young and old people a like. But positioning lights on roofs and trees and making cool designs are often frustrating and result in long hours on a ladder stringing electrical cords and making sure that all the lights are strung perfectly and precise. This can be tiring and attract the attention of few that appreciate your hard work. This can be frustrating but in my opinion it is always worth it. The objective of Christmas lights is to make the easiest way to hang up the lights, lowest cost, cheap electric costs, and the best lights available on the market today. But in my opinion many of these attempts fail and the consumers are happy once they are up but they are frustrating while putting them up. Do you think that christmas light companies complete the objective? Why, or Why not? ( Comment below)

Friday, December 12, 2014

All you need to know about Christmas lights

Christmas lights

Christmas lights prezi

Every parking spot is filled. Families and couples walk in crowds to get a glance at these magnificent light shows that only happen once a year.  Children hop up and down in excitement of seeing this winter wonderland at their perspective. Do you know all there is to know about these bringers of magnificence?

 Christmas lights are similar in appearance they are small light bulbs of various colors strung together on a single wire. There are multiple styles of these lights, some having lights of all one color, some having longer wires then others, or having bulbs of different shapes and sizes. These lights are usually hung on house frames, fences, garden decorations and christmas trees. They help add spice to boring household items. What do you use them for?

 Before these lights were even invented people used something called a yule log to spice up their houses. The only light was the one provided by the one that the yule log gave off. This tradition is believed to have started in Germany. The yule log was a representation of the warm sun that was to come during the spring. In later years candles were hung on Christmas trees and this replaced the yule log. Actual Christmas lights were not invented until 1880 by Thomas Edison. Did you know that? Do you want to know more? Go to the other prezi link and come back and comment about it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

what is Snow?

Snow Pictures

Do you know what snow is? If you don't,  then you need to keep reading in order learn all you need to know and more about this bad and good thing called snow! Some southerners have no idea what snow is like because they have never seen it unless they travel to the north during the winter months. Do you think that is a good or bad thing?( let me know in a comment) Snow is ice that falls from the sky in the form of snowflakes. Lots of snow can cover over large and small surfaces and freeze on the ground if the ground is cold enough. Snow is generally white but on the roads it is also a brown slush that is disgusting in my opinion.

snowboarding chimps

There are many different ways to get around in the snow. You can use a snowboard, skis, sleds, snowmobile, or a car. Although, sometimes you need the snow to be pretty deep to go sledding, snowboarding, or skiing. Snow can also cause car accidents because it has the ability to stick to the ground and stay there for a while. How do you like to get around in the snow? Is there a form of transportation that you havent tried but would like to try? Let me know below in the comments.
snow for the unbelievers

Monday, December 8, 2014

Pln journey 3 introduction to Christmas cont'd

I am going to continue my topic of Christmas around the world but I am also going to do some extra topics that have something to do with Christmas. One topic I might do is snowflakes. I like how they fall to the ground softly and no 2 snowflakes are the exact same. When ever I think about snowflakes though I think about a silent night and it makes me sleepy. I like to sleep because sleep is a beautiful thing and snow makes Christmas one of my favorite holidays.

You should read and follow my blog account.  I am not only going to share what goes on in the united states. But I am also going to blog about Christmas that everyone loves.  I will try and connect more during this topic. I will also try and blog on Christmas day or Christmas eve if I have the time so come and read my posts people. Do you have any suggestions for what I should blog about? Would you rather have Christmas in a warm state or have it in a cold state?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas around the world part 5

Christmas in Iceland:

  • Christmas is taken very seriously
  • Everyone receives new clothes, the entire house is spotless, families get together to have enormous parties, and cookies are baked
  • Anyone who doesn't get new clothes is in danger of getting eaten by the Christmas cat. 
The Yule lads: 
  • The 13 yule lads are Icelandic versions of Santa Clause
  • for the 13 days leading up to Christmas, children put their best shoe on the windowsill
  • Every, Night one of the 13 yule lads leaves a present for the children
  • Their names are: Sheepfold Stick, Gilly Oaf, Shorty, Spoon Licker, Pot Licker, door Licker, Bowl Licker, Sausage Pilfer, Peeper, Sniffer, Meathook, and Candle-beggar.   

Christmas around the world part 4

Christmas in Mexico: Christmas in mexico is traditional and reflects their religious beliefs.

  • Mexican tradition of groups of people going door-to-door asking for a place to stay. 
  • This symbolizes Mary and Joseph being refused a place to have baby Jesus. 
  • Lasts Nine days. 
  • Children participate in a huge pinata party.  

Noche de los rabanos (night of the radishes) 
  • Takes place on December 23 
  • Booths are set up along streets featuring giant, hand carved radishes
  • The radishes are carved into anything the artist desires

  • Festival of lights in historic Mexican city
  • Goes on from Christmas eve to new years day

  • Traditional Mexican food eaten on Christmas
  • Sweet, ring shaped bread usually home made
  • Tiny ceramic doll baked inside
  • Whoever gets the doll has to throw a party for the rest of the people there
(to the left is a hand carved radish from the Noche de los rabanos)

below is rosca the traditional treat of Mexicans

 Below is a posado pinata

below is the lighted entrance to Zocalo 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas around the world part 3

History of Christmas in the United States:

The pilgrims arrived in America in 1620 and they were extremely traditional in their purity beliefs and outlawed Christmas in Massachusetts and parts of New England. It was still celebrated in the southern colonies though. After the American Revolution Christmas was not celebrated anymore in the U.S. because it was viewed as a English Custom. Louisiana and Arkansas were the first states to make Christmas a legal holiday in 1830/1831. Congress didn't make it a federal holiday in all the states until 1870.  Christmas today is influenced by media, advertisements, materialism, and mass marketing. From once being outlawed to being the most celebrated holiday in the world.

American Christmas delights:
  • Cranberry Sauce 
  • eggnog

As well as glazed ham, roast turkey, greens, Wine and Christmas mince pies and hot chocolate. 

Activities enjoyed during the Christmas season: 
Many attend church on Christmas eve where they have church dinners and enjoy choir concerts. Many families also like to build a snowman. These three parted snow built man are pictured with a lower body, torso, and upper body. Then families hang Christmas lights on their houses to decorate and prepare for Santa Clause.